Risk Resilience

All businesses are faced with many risks which vary in type and severity.

These impact your Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Investors and Regulators in different ways.

There has never been a more important time to have considered, planned and documented how risks affect your business.

It is vital that you know what they are and how you are going to control them, in the short, medium and long-term. In such times of uncertainty, this is not a ‘one-off’ job.

We have developed a Risk Resilience programme where we will:

  • Work with you and your teams to identify the key risks to your business
  • Plan when and how to eliminate and control those risks
  • Create a monitoring programme with ongoing reviews and accountability
  • Provide professional guidance
Business Continuity

There is an increasing necessity and expectation for businesses to have done some form of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning.

Over the last year, many businesses had to do what they had to do to comply with government guidelines. This was done by many on a day-to-day basis and was a continuing, changing beast. Those businesses that had previously documented this planning were very much ahead of the game. They were able to be dynamic, efficient and had fewer interruptions to their businesses.

They protected their brand and reputation successfully and some are now thriving on the inability of their competition to do the same.

Even now, after going through a global pandemic and an incredibly testing time, businesses still haven’t documented what they did or what they will do in the future.

We help you with documenting your analysis, planning, monitoring and accountability of your plan.

Business Interruption Insurance Strategy Planning

Very few businesses understand what they need to consider to have the right cover. What’s the point of insuring your business if you don’t insure your Profits or Revenue correctly? Is your current cover flexible and dynamic so that your Reputation and Supply Chains are protected?

This area of cover is vitally important yet such a minefield. We work with our clients to consider all these factors so that there are no hidden surprises.

ISO 9001

As QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditors, we help our clients with all their accreditation requirements.

Health & Safety

As well as risk assessments and documentation, we provide practical guidance and independent audits of processes and procedures.

Contractor Monitoring

Just getting a copy of your sub-contractors insurance policy is not enough to protect your business. It might satisfy an insurers policy condition but…
- What will happen in the event of an accident?
- Have you checked the conditions applying to their policy?
- Do they leave you exposed with gaps in cover?

We provide comprehensive contractor monitoring that will assist with your processes.

Contractual Liability Analysis

Building leases, Customer/Supplier contracts are just two examples where businesses could be exposed.

We provide an analysis that identifies how the contracts work with your insurance cover. We also work with our legal partners to offer further guidance when required.

Construction Contracts are particularly complicated and our legal partner specialises in this area.

Fleet Risk Planning

The costs of motor claims are continuing to increase. These costs have a direct impact on insurance premiums and hidden costs - including the time taken to deal with claims and recover excesses.

Our Fleet Risk Planning identifies where improvements in your fleet management can be made to reduce or eliminate claims and the costs to your business.

Claims & Accident Impact Analysis

Claims affect the bottom line. From machinery downtime, time without key staff or niggly property claims.

Analysing the real effect that claims have had and trying to prevent them from reoccurring is a vital exercise. We provide an impact analysis that will highlight areas for improvement.

As well as addressing hidden costs and highlighting improvements in your processes, all our services are also acknowledged by insurers.

Having a Resilient Risk programme will have a positive impact on the amount of cover they can provide and reduce insurance premiums.

For more information contact us or call 07927 153279

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